

Short Term Rentals Details & Ordinance (*)

2019-11-22 11:00
Short-Term private home rental permits are required for private homes, located in the mountain area, that are rented for periods of thirty days or less. Permits are required to ensure specific standards are met. Some of the requirements include:

Limitation of occupants and vehicles.
The owner/manager must provide a 24 hour phone number for complaint resolution.
Compliance with relevant Fire, Building, Zoning and Health and Safety Codes.

County Code: Short Term Rental Ordinance 84.28[pdf]

Mountain Region Short Term Residential Rental 24/7 Complaint Line: 888-399-8591
General Customer Service: 909-884-4056


§ 84.28.010 Purpose.

•The purpose of this Chapter is to establish a permit procedure.

§ 84.28.020 Applicability.
•A  single housekeeping unit where allowed in the Mountain Region in compliance with Division 2.

§ 84.28.030 Definitions
•Inspection-Initial: The department shall inspect the interior and the exterior of the subject property.
•Inspection-Renewal: Upon the application for renewal, the subject property may be re-inspected.
•Property Owner: The owner of property [should be] located within the applicable distance from the unit.
•Uses: The unit may not be used for a wedding [reception], business meeting or a fraternity party

§ 84.28.040 Permit Required.
•Short-term residential renters are subject to the uniform transient occupancy tax of County Code.
•A short-term residential rental unit permit is transferrable to the new owner

§ 84.28.050 Application Process (Details: next bulletin)
(a) Application
(b) Notification Requirements.
(c) Operation During Application Process
(d) Application Denial.
(e) Applicant Appeals
(f) Affected Property Owner Appeals

§ 84.28.060 Occupancy Standards.
(a) Compliance with Uniform Codes and Other Laws.
(b) Occupancy Limits
•••A 70 square foot room may sleep one person
•••More than one person shall contain not less than 50
•••So, 2 Persons may need 120 sf (4 persons: 220 sf)
(c) Maximum Occupancy Limits: t shall be determined as follows:
•••less than one- half acre: may not exceed 16 persons.
•••more than one-half acre: shall not exceed 20 persons.
•••on-site parking:
(d) Day-Use Guests.
•••Guests of the primary renter  may only be on the property from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
•••Parking restrictions may not be exceeded to accommodate day-use guests.
•••No more than six day-use guests may be at the short-term residential rental unit at any one time.
(e) Parking.
•••Parking shall be provided on-site at a ratio of not less than one parking space for every four occupants or guests.
•••Parking spaces may include garage, carport, and driveway spaces, and may allow for tandem parking

[County's Code of Ordinances - Airbnb's points]
•••The information in this article only applies to unincorporated communities in San Bernardino County.
-----If you live in a city or town within San Bernardino County, please contact your local city administrator.
•••You need a short term rental permit to offer whole or partial accommodations for 30 or fewer days.
•••San Bernardino County imposes a 7% Transient Occupancy Tax on amounts paid by guests
•••The new owner can transfer it by contacting the County within 30 days of taking the title.