JEBS 정철영어성경 •
--Christ, the Eternal Word (1일-16일)
--Testimomy of John the Bapt.(17일-24일)
--Lam of God (25일-31일)
--The First Disciples (32일-37일)
--Jesus, Philip and Nathanael (38일-44일)
--The Wedding at Cana (45일-52일)
--Jesus Clears the Temple Courts (53-62)
--Jesus and Necodemus (63일-78일)
--John theBaptist Exalts Jesus (79일-89일)
--Jesus & the Samaritan Woman (90-107)
--ManySamaritans Believe Jesus(108-118)
--JesusHeals a R.Official's Son (119-127)
--Jesus Heals a Lame Man (128-135)
--Jesus: the Son of God (136-146)
--Witness to Jesus (147일-156일)
-- 5 Loaves & 2 Fishes (157-167)
-- Jesus on the Water (168일-173일)
-- The Bread of Life (174일-192일)
-- The Words of Life (193일-198일)
-- Jesus & His Brothers (199일-205일)
-- Jesus Teaches at the Temple (206일-211일)
-- Is Jesus the Messiah (212일-228일)